Graduated from Louisiana Tech University in 1963 with a B. S. Degree in Mathematics and from the University of Illinois in 1965 with a M. S. Degree in Mathematics. Received a B. S. Degree in Petroleum Engineering in 1977 from Louisiana Tech University. Employed as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics from 1966 to 1977 at Louisiana Tech. Worked as a consultant to the Computer Applications and Engineering Department of Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation from 1966 until 1977, where he developed numerous computer models used in the design and operation of gas and liquid pipeline systems. Worked as a Reservoir Engineer with Marathon Oil Corporation in 1977, prior to joining T. W. McGuire & Associates in 1978. He is a member of Phi Kappa Phi scholastic fraternity, Tau Beta Pi engineering fraternity, the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, the Louisiana Engineering Society and the Shreveport Geological Society. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Louisiana.


Graduated from Louisiana Tech University with B. S. and M. S. degrees in Mathematics. Following his discharge from the U. S. Air Force in 1973, he joined the Engineering Department of Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation. While there, he wrote computer programs for designing liquid and coal slurry pipelines. In addition, his research work resulted in his design of a leak detection model for liquid pipelines. In 1977, he received a B. S. Degree in Petroleum Engineering from Louisiana Tech University. Following graduation, he was employed as a Reservoir Engineer by Exxon Company, U.S.A. With Exxon, his duties included surveillance of polymerflood and waterflood systems, design of waterflood systems and work on field depletion studies. He joined T. W. McGuire & Associates in February, 1979. He is a Registered Professional Petroleum Engineer in the State of Louisiana, and is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, the Louisiana Engineering Society and the Shreveport Geological Society.


Graduated from Louisiana Tech University with a B. S. Degree in Mathematics Education in 1980. In 1981, while enrolled in Louisiana Tech’s Mathematics Graduate Program, he joined T. W. McGuire & Associates for the summer as an Engineer’s Aide, then changing to full-time as Computer Programmer/Engineering Tech. He developed several applications that were used for the company’s evaluation reports and other engineering work. He is now responsible for the use of third-party software and provides technical support for the company.